Speech therapy
This type of care does not include:
- treatment of language development disorders related to dialect or another native language;
- the treatment of a language deficiency in Dutch and/or a foreign language, in the event of multilingualism;
- treatment of dyslexia.
When will you qualify for reimbursement?
You will qualify for the reimbursement of speech therapy if:
- the care has a medical purpose, and
- the treatment can be expected to result in the restoration or improvement of the speech function or power of speech.
The care includes conditional speech therapy as referred to in the article on Conditional care.
Referral required for a non-contracted care provider
You need a referral from a general practitioner, medical specialist, youth doctor, doctor for the mentally disabled, specialist geriatrics doctor, company doctor, dentist, nursing specialist, physician assistant or a coordinating practitioner within the framework of medical care for specific groups of patients (GZSP).. This does not apply to care provided by a contracted care provider who has successfully completed the Direct Access course. YIf a referral is required, you must enclose a copy of the referral when submitting the invoice.
Reimbursement for speech therapy
Under HollandZorg public healthcare insurance, you will qualify for the reimbursement of speech therapy.Public Healthcare Insurance | Reimbursement |
HollandZorg public healthcare insurance | 100% for contracted care |
Maximum rates for non-contracted care providers
Will you be receiving speech therapy from a care provider with whom we have not made any agreements? If so, the rates set out in the Rate List for Non-contracted Care will apply. If the rates charged by the non-contracted care provider are higher than our maximum rates, the difference will be for your account.
No statutory personal contribution
There is no statutory personal contribution for speech therapy.
Policy excess
Are you 18 or older? The costs incurred for speech therapy will count towards your compulsory policy excess.
Who may provide this type of care?
The following care providers are permitted to provide this type of care:
- preverbal speech therapy: a speech therapist who is listed on the preverbal speech therapy sub-register of the NVLF;
- aphasia therapy: a speech therapist who is listed on the NVLF's Aphasia register;
- the Hanen parent programme It Takes Two to Talk (Praten Doe je Met z'n Tweeën = PDMT): a speech therapist who is listed on the NVLF's PDMT Hanen parent programme sub-register;
- the Hanen parent programme More than Words (Meer Dan Woorden = MDW): a speech therapist who is listed on the NVLF's MDW Hanen parent programme sub-register;
- individual stutter therapy: a speech therapist who is listed on the NVLF's stutter therapy sub-register;
- integrated stutter care: a speech therapist or stutter therapist who is listed on the NVLF's integrated stutter care sub-register;
- speech therapy in the event of Parkinson's disease: a speech therapist who is affiliated with the national ParkinsonNet network. Affiliation with the ParkinsonNet is not compulsory if the provision of care started before 1 January 2018;
- other speech therapy: a speech therapist.
Please note:
The information on this page is a brief outline of the reimbursements. No rights can be derived from this page. You can only derive rights from our insurance conditions 2024.
Your health insurance
In My HollandZorg you will find all information about your health insurance policy.
Maximum rates for a non-contracted care provider
Have you chosen a healthcare provider with whom we have no contract? Then, we will reimburse according to our maximum rates for 2024. If the rate invoiced by the non-contracted care provider is higher than our maximum rates, you will have to pay the difference yourself. You will be able to find contracted care providers with our Care finder.