Under the public health insurance, the following treatments fall under medical specialist care too:
- medical aids which you receive as part of an admission or medical specialist treatment, provided they form (or are supposed to form) part of that admission or treatment.
- medicines you receive within the framework of an admission or medical specialist treatment, provided they form (or are supposed to form) part of that admission or treatment.
- Conditional medical specialised care included in the list of Conditional care;
- Plastic surgery treatment as mentioned in our insurance conditions.
The following treatments do not fall under medical specialist care:
- The fourth or subsequent IVF attempt per ongoing pregnancy to be realised. An IVF attempt is regarded an attempt only when a follicle puncture is successful. Only attempts that are subsequently abandoned count towards the number of attempts. Within the meaning of this document, a viable pregnancy is:
- a pregnancy lasting at least ten weeks, calculated from the moment that a follicle puncture succeeded;
- in the event that frozen embryos are re-implanted, a pregnancy of at least nine weeks and three days, calculated from the moment that the frozen embryos are re-implanted;
- a spontaneous pregnancy of twelve weeks after the date of the last menstruation
An IVF attempt after a viable pregnancy is regarded as a new, first attempt, even if that pregnancy was
terminated prematurely;
- The first and second IVF attempt, provided you are younger than 38 and one or more embryos are re-placed;
- Fertility-related care if you are a woman aged 43 or older. If the IVF treatment began before you turned 43, you are entitled to completion of that attempt;
- Treatment of paralysis or weakening of the upper eyelids, other than when the paralysis or weakening seriously restricts the range of vision or is caused by a congenital defect or a chronic disorder present at birth;
- Liposuction of the stomach;
- Treatment of a plastic surgical nature to reconstruct the breast or replace a breast prosthesis, other than following full or partial mastectomy or in the case of agenesis or aplasia of the breast in women and a comparable situation in the event of established transsexuality;
- The operative removal of a breast prosthesis without medical grounds;
- Treatment for snoring with uvuloplasty;
- Treatments aimed at the sterilisation or reversal of the sterilisation of the insured party (either a man or a woman);
- Treatments aimed at the circumcision of a male insured party other than medically necessary;
- An abdominal wall correction (abdominal plastic surgery), except in the case of mutilation or serious function limitation.
- Treatment of an asymmetrical distortion of the back of the head (plagiocephaly) and central flattening of the back of the head (brachycephaly) in young children using a cranial remodelling helmet where there is no premature fusing of the cranial sutures (craniosynostosis).
- the medicines as defined in appendix 0 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations, under the conditions as stated therein. The number of medicines and the conditions may be subject to interim changes. An up-to-date version can be found at;
- the use of external devices during the treatment of diabetes to monitor and control blood sugar disorders, including the ketone test strips and insulin pumps;
- laboratory testing at the request of an alternative care provider.
Read our Conditions of Insurance for more information.
Referral required
For medical specialist care, you will require a referral from a general practitioner, clinical technologist, house officer, medical specialist, obstetrician, youth healthcare doctor, doctor for the mentally disabled, specialist geriatrics doctor, infectious disease and tuberculosis prevention doctor, A&E doctor, physician assistant, nursing specialist, sports doctor, company doctor or dentist, clinical physiologic, audiologist, dental surgeon, optometrist, orthoptist or triage hearing specialist. This condition will not apply to urgent care. The referral will remain valid for a period of twelve months, commencing on the day the referral was issued.
Reimbursement under public healthcare insurance
The HollandZorg public healthcare insurance reimburses the cost of treatment and stay in a hospital or in an independent treatment centre. Read our insurance conditions for a full overview.
Maximum rates for non-contracted care providers
A maximum reimbursement applies to medical specialist care that is provided by a non-contracted care provider. If you decide to use a care provider with whom we have not made any agreements, we will reimburse up to a maximum of the rates in the Rate List for Non-contracted Care.
Reimbursement under supplementary insurance
Not all treatments fall under the cover provided by the public healthcare insurance. Under the HollandZorg supplementary insurances we offer a reimbursement for the following treatments:
- Eye laser
- Lens implants
- Ear correction (for children under 18 years)
- Treatment for varicose veins
- Sterilisation
Read our Conditions of Insurance for more information about reimbursement under our supplementary insurances.
No statutory personal contribution
There is no statutory personal contribution for medical specialist care.
Policy excess
Are you 18 or older? The costs incurred for medical specialist care under the public healthcare insurance will count towards your compulsory policy excess.
Who may provide this type of care?
You may obtain medical specialist care from a hospital, a medical specialist or dental surgeon that works outside a hospital and from an independent treatment centre (ZBC). For medical specialist care, you will require a referral from a general practitioner, a medical specialist, a midwife, a youth healthcare doctor, a sports doctor, a doctor for the mentally disabled, a specialist in geriatric medicine, a company doctor or dentist. This condition will not apply to urgent care.
For medical care under the public healthcare insurance you can receive treatment in hospitals. Would you like to receive treatment in a specific independent treatment centre or from an independent medical specialist? If so, please contact us before receiving treatment. This will ensure that you know whether we have a contract with your preferred independent treatment centre or specialist.
See our Care Guide to find a (contracted) care provider near you. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact customer services on +31(0)570 687 123. We will be happy to answer your questions.
Request permission
You will require prior written permission for the reimbursement of treatments that feature in the List of Procedures to be Requested in Advance and the list 'Limitatieve lijst Machtigingen Kaakchirurgie'. With the request for care, include a report from the doctor in attendance that includes the medical diagnosis/diagnoses, a description of the current problem, the treatment plan proposed (care activity) and, if applicable, appropriate photographs.
If we give our permission, it will be valid for one year, calculated from the date on which the written permission was granted. This permission may be valid for a shorter or longer period of time if we explicitly mentioned this fact when we granted the permission.
Please send requests for permission to:
Medical Advisor
Antwoordnummer 30
7400 VB Deventer
No stamp is necessary.
If your care provider submits the request on your behalf, we will want to know if you agree to this request. You can do this by signing the request.
Please note:
The information on this page is a brief outline of the reimbursements. No rights can be derived from this page. You can only derive rights from our insurance conditions 2024.
Your health insurance
In My HollandZorg you will find all information about your health insurance policy.
Maximum rates for a non-contracted care provider
Have you chosen a healthcare provider with whom we have no contract? Then, we will reimburse according to our maximum rates for 2024. If the rate invoiced by the non-contracted care provider is higher than our maximum rates, you will have to pay the difference yourself. You will be able to find contracted care providers with our Care finder.
Reimbursements, conditions and regulations 2023